
Closing up Life Along the Humboldt Current, and Crossing the Andes on to the Next Chapter

As it is now official, I want to let the world wide web and all of the tribe members know, that starting in October, we are making the leap over the Andes to Brazil. We are excited for this new opportunity, but are also saddened to leave our perch here, overlooking the Pacific. There's much to contemplate, and now more to discover. I never got the chance to really explore this coast where I hoped I could contribute some support in the growing effort to preserve this unique coastal ecosystem that harbors Peruvian Booby colonies and endemic plants.

That being said, there will be plenty of time to discover that coast and more here in Chile in the future, but for now our energies are starting to turn towards the Tropic of Capricorn and that massive country along the Atlantic. A landscape and country that holds the origins of so many wild and exotic stories of discovery and natural and cultural history I'm still wondering where I should start. But, like any place, I'll probably start with the streets, the Metro, the people, the language, and go out from there.

Another blog and series of projects may be in the works, so please stay tuned.