
First Ascent

First climb to the top of the mountain that would become my future backyard. Not too long after this hike I was fortunate to live at the top of that large riparian canyon that sprang from that majestic mountain for almost 3 years. Searching through all of the images from all of the various treks and explorations is very rewarding. To not only relive walks like this one, but to also be reminded of what the place looked like before the massive fire and a 3-year drought.

The images above display a vibrant Spring, and I truly don't think I've seen things this green since these were taken in the Spring of 2009. And 2009 was not even a really wet year, but certainly a wet year compared to the ones we've been having lately! However, things are starting off pretty good this early Winter. We'll see if we can get everything to green up like this once again. I would really like to see that.

To see massive florets from the Hummingbird Sage glowing all fuschia, and giant aqua leafed Dudleyas pouring out of the moist cracks in the rock, and with little orange newts crawling below, out from their high Chaparral winter homes eventually winding their way down to the little pools hundreds of feet below. And you must watch your step on the way back down, where you'll see them walking across the trail headed downhill, just before the full moon begins to rise!